معيدة. د . د/حنان محسن سالم الاسد

Name: Hanan Mohsen Salem AL- Asad   

Date of birth: 5/9/1978

Place of birth: khor Maksar –Aden

Identity card no: 4645190

Date g issue: 22\10\2003

Place of issue: Khor Maksar –Aden

Social status: married (2 children)

Permanent residence: Abi Dhar AL_Ghafari square khor Maksar_Aden

Address: - khor Maksar – Aden

Home: oo967225434

   Private clinic:   009672236720

Mobile: 00967733675191

Email; alasad20092009@hot mail.com




  Bachelors degree of dentistry from Aden University 1998/1999- 2002\2003

  Diploma in English language from Modern American Language Institute in Aden Yemen 2010-2012 

  Secondary  school degree from A said AL-Kamal –khor Maksar-Aden - Yemen 1993/1994 -1996/1997 



Arabic (mother tongue)

English very good (w/s)


Computer knowledge:

    Able to deal with computer in various office applications



  Work experience:

Work as dentist one year volunteer in the maxillofacial surgery department in  AL –Gumhorya teaching  Hospital


Worked in the external clinic (oral surgery department ) in  AL Gumhurya teaching  Hospital


Worked with German Mission for three subsequent years 2006/2007/2008 in the plastic surgery for children in cleft lips and palate Center


Worked  as delegate in various departments in the faculty of dentistry ( 2004- oral surgery department, 2005-conservitive department, 2006-2008 prosthodentic department till assignment in 1/12/2008


Worked in the prosthodentic department as fixed administrative 2008-2013


Work as dentist in my clinic since 2005 till now. 





Participated in First Dental Conference in the 2008 at Mercure Hotel -Aden

Participated in second dental international conference in the 2010 in Sana’a

Participated in First International pharmacy Conference in 2010 at Mercure Hotel -Aden. 

Participated in the 1st scientific dental student s conference which  was held at the faculty of dentistry (17-18) May 2010.

Participated member in the 41 scientific Conferences of Arab dental federation for continuous dental learning 


Training Courses :


Course in dental implantation at Burhan hospital in the year 2005


Workshop in the prevention in dental clinic in the year 2008 at Ibn Khaldoun hospital ( Lahj )


Course in the educational qualification for the period from 18Aprial to 5 May 2009 at Aden University with Excellent grade.


Course in Windows 2004 Aden –University


Course in Word 2004 Aden –University


Course in English Language 8/8/2009 to  4/9/2009 at MALI institute


Complete the certificate course in Basic Medical Education

  Conducted by the University of Aden from April to July 2010


Participated in the academic developmental course, twenty third  of member of teaching staffs and member of assistant teaching staffs’ from17July –August 2010.   


Participated in the workshop on development and change in the  Dentistry and Pharmacy Curriculum from 23 to27 January 2011  organized by the faculties of Dentistry and Pharmacy, university of Aden in collaboration with the WHO.


Participated in the second workshop on Developmental and  Change in the Dentistry Curriculum from 26 to 30 November 2011   , organized by the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Aden in  collaboration with the WHO.


Attended and participated in first communication skills workshop   from 1st-3rd April 2012, Aden University, Yemen.


Participate in workshop on research methodology in Dentistry

 Aden University in collaboration with W H Ofrom10 -14Nov 2012 

Participate in work shop on curriculum revision and updating in Dentistry Aden University in collaboration with W H O from 2-6 February 2013 


Skills and Abilities:-


  Initiative and punctual

  Team player

  Cooperative and decision marker

  Problem solve

  Able to work under pressure

  Able to work indepently