Bárbara Elena García Triana.


Personal: Calle 23 No. 6606, e/ 66 y 66A, Buenavista, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana. Cu


Work:  School of Dentistry “Ra�l Gonz�lez S�nchez” Ave. Salvador Allende. esq. G. Plaza, Ciudad de La Hababa. Cuba.

Telephone number: 205-75-95

Date of birth: March 13 1963. 

Place of birth: Havana, Cuba

Marital Status: Married

Current position: Head of Research Department, Dental Faculty of Havana.

Teaching Rank: Full Professor, 2006

Scientific Rank: Associate Researcher, 2001

Scientific Degree: PhD  (Doctor in Medical Sciences), 2005 


Educational background:

- Second Degree Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry, Dental Faculty of Havana, Medical University of Havana, 1999.

- First Degree Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry, Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, Medical University of Havana, 1991. 

- Doctor in Dental Sciences, Dental Faculty of Havana, Medical University of Havana.  1986. 


Principal Received Postgraduate Courses:

-  Diploma Course:  Direction in Health, “Calixto Garc�a” Faculty, 2007

-  Workshop: Evaluation of Health Technologies, Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 2005.

- Introductory Workshop on Direction in Health I, Medical University of Havana, 2004. 

-  Advanced Course in Science and Technological Innovation, Dental Faculty of Havana, 2003.

-  Ethics and Animal Experimentation, Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 2003.

-  Drugs.  Dental Faculty of Havana, 2002.

-  Pre-congress Course, Medical Basic Sciences Convention  “Upgrading course about

  nutrition and digestive system morphology”.  Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute,  2002,

- Training in Molecular Biology techniques and cell culture.  Sciences Faculty, University of  Malaga. Spain, 2002.

- Training in Molecular Biology Techniques and cell culture.  Sciences Faculty, University of  Malaga. Spain, 2000.

-  Problem-based learning in Physiology (40h), Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 1999.

-  Pathogenic Mechanisms of Oxygen Reactive Species on Atherogenic Risk Factors (4h), “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital, 1998.

-  Flux of Molecular Information, Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 1998.


Language studies:

-  English Refreshment, Dental Faculty of Havana, 1996 

-  English Conversation,  Dental Faculty of Havana, 1989

- Intermediate English  VI,  Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 1988

- Intermediate English  V,  Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute, 1987

- English Language Practice, “Tamara Bunke” Languages School, 2  years, 1987.




Professional experience:

Scientific Membership:

Scientific Committee of the School of Dentistry of Havana, since 2004

Cuban Society  of  Periodontology, since 2003 

Cuban Society of Physiological Sciences, since 1998


Pre-graduate Courses Taught:  Since 1986

- Biochemistry to dental students.

- Biochemistry to nursing students.

- Biochemistry to medicine students.


Post-graduate Courses Taught :

1- Master course in Clinical Biochemistry, Module:  “Biochemical Aspects of Genetics”  320 h.  Trinidad, Bolivia. 2006

2- Master course in Clinical Biochemistry, Module:  “Biochemical Aspects of Genetics”  320 h.  Cochabamba, Bolivia. 2005

 3- Master course in Clinical Biochemistry, Module:  “Biochemical Aspects of Genetics”  320 h.  Santa Cruz and La Paz, Bolivia. 2005

 4- Post-Congress Course: “Modulation of host response in periodontal disease” Dentistry 2005,  Dental Faculty of Havana.

 5- Pre-Congress Course: Oxidative Stress in Biomedicine. Congress of Clinical Pathology. National Hotel. 2004.

6- Pre-Congress Course: Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular disease. International Congress on Atherosclerosis.  “Calixto Garc�a” Hospital. 2002. 

7- Pre-Congress Course.  VI Congress of the Cuban  Society of Physiological Sciences.  Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 2001.

8-  Pre-Congress Course.  Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular disease. VI International  Congress of Latin-American Society of Atherosclerosis. ”Hermanos  Ameijeiras” Hospital,  2001.

9-  Elements of host response in the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal disease. Dental Faculty. 2001.

10- Oxidative stress and its place in modern medicine. Havana Medical Sciences Institute.   1999.

11- Molecules involved in host response in inflammatory periodontal disease. Dental Faculty. 1999.

12- Molecules involved in host response in inflammatory periodontal disease. Santiago de Cuba General Hospital.  1999.

13- Pathogenic mechanisms of oxygen reactive species on atherogenic risk factors  ”Hermanos  Ameijeiras” Hospital. 1998.

14-  Free radicals and related molecules in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Dental Faculty of Havana.  1998.

15- Oxidative stress in Biomedicine.  National  Hotel. 2004.

16- Carcinog�nesis.  Havana Medical Sciences Institute. 1996.

17- Free radical Impact on medicine.  Havana Medical Sciences Institute. 1996.

18- Free radical Impact on medicine.  Havana Medical Sciences Institute. 1995.

19- Macromolecules  Purification.  Havana Medical Sciences Institute. 1995. 


Publications and Research:


1- Garc�a BE, Saldana A, Basterrechea M. Bacterial extracellular glucans: structure, biosynthesis  and function.  Rev Cubana Estomatol  2008

2. Garc�a BE, Delgado R, Riesgo N, Silva LC, Garc�a AL, Osorio M. Effect of natural antioxidant Vimang on gingival histopathological characteristics in experimental  periodontal disease. Rev Habanera de  Ciencias M�dicas 2006;5(3) 

2- 105 Anniversary of the Foundation of the School of Dentistry, Havana University. Compact Disk  on  Dentistry  International Congress, 2005. ISBN 959-7164-33-7.

3- Garcia BE,  De La Pe�a R, Garcia A, Pi�eiros JC, Rodriguez C. Effect of an antioxidant compound  on experimental  inflammatory periodontal disease. Educational Video, July 2005. CENDA Registration: 1552-2005. 

4- Garcia BE, de la Pe�a-Pino R, Rodriguez V,  Salda�a A, Garcia JC. Effect of  Vimang on seric activity  of  antioxidant  enzymes in  experimental  periodontitis. Rev Habanera de  Ciencias M�dicas 2005;4(3)

5- Garcia BE, Garcia JC, de la Pe�a-Pino R, Garcia AL, Salda�a A,  Rodriguez V, Riesgo N, Osorio M. Effect of an extract of  Mangifera indica L. (Vimang)  on ligature  periodontal  disease in beagle dogs.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed 2005;24(2)

6- Febles C, Soto C, Salda�a A, Garcia BE. Functions of vitamine E. Upgrading. Rev Cubana Estomatol 2002;40(1):28-32. 

7- Garcia BE.  The  multiple views of  ozone.  Encuentros en Biolog�a. Nov. 2002,  XI:1-3.   Spain. 

8- Salda�a A, Garcia BE, Enamorado A, Garcia JC. Cyclosporine A and oxidative damage in  transplant. Rev Cubana Invest Biomed  2002;21(3):197-200.

9- Garcia BE, Salda�a A, Garcia JC, Soto C. Oxidative stress in systemic  effects of inflammatory  periodontal  disease. Rev Cubana Invest Biomed  2002;21(3):194-196.

10- Soto C, Febles C, Garc�a BE, Salda�a A. Oxidative Phenomenon associated to HIV/AIDS infection.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed  2002;21(3):201-206.

11- Salda�a A,  Garcia BE, Garcia JC.  Oxidative  damage in  vasculopathy post-transplant.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed  2001;20(3):236-238.

12-  Garcia BE, Salda�a A, Garcia JC, Basterrechea M.  Phagocyte  NADPH-oxidase: characteristics,  assembly and  mechanism of action. Rev Cubana Invest Biomed 2001;20(1):59-63.

13- Garcia BE.  �Does periodontal disease only concern to Dentists? Encuentros en Biolog�a Nov. 2000, A�o IX(66):3. Spain.

14- Salda�a A, Garcia BE,  Enamorado A. Oxidative stress in renal transplant   physiopathology.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed  1999;18(3):225-230. 

15- Garcia BE, Vicedo A,  Garcia JC, Salda�a A. Proteolytic Enzymes related to inflammatory  periodontal disease.  Rev Cubana Estomatol  1998;35(1):62-67.

16- Garcia BE, Garcia JC, Broche F, Rodriguez P, Rodriguez V, Salda�a A. Lipid peroxidation in  experimental  inflammatory  periodontal  disease. Rev Cubana Estomatol  1998;35(1):11-15.

17- Garcia BE, Garcia JC, Salda�a A. Lipid peroxidation in  the pathogenesis  of  inflammatory  periodontal  disease.  Rev Cubana Estomatol 1998;35(1):25-29.

18- Garcia BE, Garcia O, Clapes S, Rodes L, Garcia JC. Enzymes involved as physiological barriers in free radical scavenging: I- Superoxide dismutases.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed 1995;14(1-2):5-9.

19-  Garcia JC, Garcia BE, Morin MA, Cespedes E,  Clapes S, Olembe E.  Free radicals:  Impact on medicine.  Bol Ed Bioquim 1994; 13(3):77-81. M�xico.

20- Free radicals:  Molecular dreams or clinical realities? Rev Cubana Invest Biomed 1994;13(1-2):12-18.

21- Garcia BE, Garcia JC, Garcia O, Clapes S.  Superoxide dismutase purification.  Rev Cubana Invest Biomed 1991; Special number


Research projects:

1-  Improving research skills  in Cuban dentists. Since 2005.

2-  Periodontal disease as a risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Dental  Faculty of Havana. Since 2004.

3-  Prognostic models of  dental caries and  periodontal disease experience  in pregnancy. Cuban Public Health Ministry. Since 2004.

4-  Identification of NADPH-oxidase expression in gingival fibroblasts. Sciences Faculty, Malaga University, Spain. 2000-2002.

5-  Effect of  oxidative  stress on renal  transplant. Biomedical Research Centre.  1996-2000.

6-  Evaluation of the effect of an  antioxidant compound  on  experimental inflammatory periodontal  disease. Ministry of Public Health. Cuba. 1996-2000.

7-  Oxidative damage products in  the gingiva.  Biomedical Research Centre. 1994-1996.

8-  Experimental model of  periodontal disease.  Biomedical Research Centre. 1994-1996.

9-  Preclinical  evaluation of  ozone. Biomedical Research Centre.  1990

10-Superoxide Dismutase Purification. Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute.  1988-1990.   



 Scientific Events:

1- Oxidative stress control in cancer prevention. Oncology Conference. 11-12 march. Aden

2- Implementation of a PhD program on Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine.  University  of Aden, Yemen. Cuba-Yemen International Conference. May 2008. Faculty of Medicine and Health  Sciences. University of Aden.

3- Nutrition and  public health.  Perspectives of  application  in Yemen. Cuba-Yemen International Conference. May 2008. Faculty of Medicine and Health  Sciences. University of Aden.

4- Oxidative stress and genetic damage. Genetic abnormalities and embryonic anomalies.

  Apr 2008.

5- Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The First Dental  Conference. School Section, Faculty  of Medicine and Health Sciences. Aden University, Nov 2007.

6- The teaching of Biochemistry in study Plans of dentistry career. 106 Anniversary of the School of Dentistry, 2006.

7- Effect of  Vimang on seric activity  of  antioxidant  enzymes in  experimental  periodontitis. Dentistry 2005 . Palacio de las Convenciones, Havana.

8- Effect of vimang on periodontal  disease.  Dentistry 2005.  Palacio de las Convenciones, Havana.

9- Effect of natural antioxidant Vimang on gingival histopathological characteristics in  experimental periodontal disease.  Dentistry  2005.  Palacio de las Convenciones,  Havana.

10- Oxidative stress and  host response in  periodontal disease. Dentistry 2005.  Palacio de las Connvenciones, Havana. 

11- Oxidative stress in  periodontal disease.  Periodontics Scientific Event of Havana City. Dental Faculty of Havana. 2004.

12- Effect of  Vimang on gingival  tissue at light microscope. 104 Anniversary of Dentistry Faculty . 2004.

13- Antioxidant therapeutic in periodontal disease.  National Journey  “Periodoncia 2003” Cuban Public Health Ministry.

14- Effect of Vimang on ligature periodontal disease. Histological study. National Journal  “Periodoncia 2003”  Ministry of Public Health. Cuba.

15-  Oxidative stress control in periodontal therapeutic. National Journey  “Periodoncia 2003”  Ministry of Public Health. Cuba.

16- Proteolytic activity control in periodontal therapeutic. National Journey  “Periodoncia 2003”  Ministry of Public Health. Cuba.

17- Oxidative stress control in periodontal disease. V International Symposium  of  oxidative stress. Biomedical Research Centre. 2003

18- Reality and perspectives of antioxidant therapeutic in periodontal disease.  V International Symposium  of  oxidative stress. Biomedical Research Centre. 2003

19- Chemical Mediators of pulpar inflammation. Basic Sciences Convention  “Gir�n,  2002” Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 

20- Systemic effects of periodontal  disease.  101 Anniversary Dentistry Faculty. 2001

21- Effect of Vimang on the development of  inflammatory  periodontal disease. VI Congress of  Cuban  Society of Basic  Sciences. 2001.

22- Oxidative phenomena associated to HIV  infection.  IV International Symposium on Oxidative Stress in Biomedicine. 2001.

23- Cyclosporine A and oxidative damage in renal transplant.  IV International Symposium on Oxidative Stress in  Biomedicine. 2001.

24- Oxidative stress in the systemic effects of inflammatory periodontal disease.  IV International Symposium on Oxidative Stress in  Biomedicine. 2001.

25- Isolation and culture of human gingival cells. XIV Congress of the  Spanish National Association  of Laboratory Techniques. Spain.

26- Generation sources of free radicals.  III International Symposium on Oxidative Stress.  Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1999.

27- Carcinogenesis.  V Congress of  the National Cuban Society of Physiological Sciences  1998.

28- Oxidative stress. (Simposium) V Congress of the National Cuban Society of Physiological Sciences. 1998.

29- Elastasa activity in gingiva and saliva. V Congress of the  National Cuban Society of Physiological Sciences. 1998.

30- Proteolitic activity in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease.  International  Congress of Medical Basic Sciences. Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1997.

31- Oxygen reactive species in pathogenesis of  periodontal disease.  International  Congress of Medical Basic Sciences. Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1997.

32- Lipid peroxidation in human gingiva.  International  Congress of Medical Basic Sciences. Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1997.

33- New  evidences of the role of oxidative processes  in burn disease.  International  Congress of Medical Basic Sciences. Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1997.

34- Impact of  oxidative  phenomenon on renal transplant. International  Congress of Medical Basic Sciences. Basic and Preclinic Sciences Institute. 1997.

35- Gingivitis-Peridontitis transition. “Dentistry” 95. XVI Congress of  Latin-American Dentistry Federation.  III Iberoamerican Dentistry Congress.  Palacio de las Connvenciones, Havana. 1995 

36- Reproduction of an experimental  model of inflammatory periodontal disease.  Journey  “95 Anniversary of Dentistry  Faculty”.  Dentistry  Faculty. 1995

37- Participation of leukocyte products in  periodontal  disease.  Journey  “95 Anniversary of Dentistry  Faculty”.  Dentistry  Faculty. 1995

38- Evaluation of ozone influence on  superoxide dismutase levels.  International Congress on Ozone. Medical and Surgical Research Centre. 1990.

39- Purification of superoxide dismutase of  bovine erythrocyte.  XVII Congress of Latin-  American Association of Physiological  Sciences. Palacio de Las Convenciones. 1991