أ.مساعد .د .نادرة احمد اسحاق رئيسة قسمة العلاج التعويضي

Nadra  Ahmed Ishaq

  Crater - Aden - Republic of Yemen

  Mobile 96773562519

  Home 9672253190 

  Email nadera485@hotmail.com


Work Experience

2009 to date  Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of

  prosthodontic at dentistry university of Aden

Responsibilities—teaching prosthodontic

To dentistry students at dentistry university

2000-2002  In charge for student’s affairs the Dentistry

Aden university

1996—2002   Responsibilities—teaching prosthodontic

Dental anatomy  dental material

To dentistry students at dentistry university

1990—1996  Working as a dentist  And participating in

&performing minor& major operations

at  Algumhurya teaching  hospital

and  Aden polyclinic.

1995   Lecturer in Dr Amin Nasher ‘s higher institute

In Dental anatomy.



2004—2008  PhD  in  prosthodontic  University of Volgograd Russia

2002--2004  Master in prosthodontic (specialization) university of Volgograd Russia

1983--1989  Bachelors of dentistry

University of Semmelwies Budapest Hungry


1979-  Passed examination of  secondary school in

Sera secondery

1967—1979  Primary—Secondary Altaweela  , Shamsan

.  Sera school Aden Yemen


Other information

Languages  Arabic(fluent),  Hungarian(very good) ,

Russian (very good), English(very good)

Indian or doo(good)





  1992  dental conference  Cariese

In children

2004 dental  conference  TMJ disease in


Scholarships  Scholarships from Hungarian government

(1983—1989) to complete Bachelor degree

At university of Semm elwies, Budapest

Hungary. Scholarship from  Aden university

(2002—2008) to complete PhD degree and

Specialization in Russia,




Training courses  2009 work shop in development of teaching program

(Building a world class program) Aden university

2007 Training course in dental implantation

In Olga polyclinic in Volgograd Russia.

2006 Training course in prosthodontic in

In  professor Grozdeeva  polyclinic

in Volgograd Russia.

2005 Training course in dental implantation

In department of oral& Maxillofacial surgery

In Volgograd Russia

2004 Training course in Department of

Oral & Maxillofacial surgery in general cases

Volgograd Russia

2003 Training course in Department of

Operative dentistry in general cases

Volgograd Russia

2000 Work Shop in Aden University


1998 work shop on student assessment

& institution  education.

University of Aden the celebration with Who

2012  participate in workshop on research methodology in

Dentistry Aden university in collaboration with W H O

2013 participate in work shop on curriculum revision and updating

In Dentistry Aden university in collaboration with W H O





Published Research 


 2005 Diagnosis and treatment of the Dysfunction 0f TMJ in Russia

1992  Scientific research in dental Hygiene and dental caries in schools Children  Primary school In Aden . Related to sweet intake.

Computer Skills  Microsoft Office Application (Power point,

Word, Excl, Scanning,  Internet  Explorer



References:   Pro  Dr  Anatoly Pavlevech

Volgograd Russia

Olga Clinic Vozpashdinya

Tel  00784429047514019